Our Community Partners


Helpers Community

Helpers is dedicated to supporting Adults with Developmental Disabilities and the organizations that serve them. Helpers Community partners with other providers to ensure that adults with special needs have opportunities for growth and safe living environments.

Capitola Coast Lions Club

Lions are known for providing hands on service in their local communities in the areas of vision, pediatric cancer, hunger initiatives, health initiatives, improving the built environment, disaster relief, environmental services, assisting the disadvantaged, elderly, developmentally challenged, those with limited mobility, conducting youth projects, supporting youth groups and more.

Volunteer Center of Santa Cruz County

The Volunteer Center of Santa Cruz County is a "one-stop shop" for all things volunteer related for individuals, organizations, and businesses.

We connect people, organizations, and businesses to:

  • TRANSFORM LIVES through our programs in Mental Health, Restorative Justice, Family Support, and Empowered Aging.

  • BUILD COMMUNITY through large-scale community events and initiatives - Be the Difference Awards, Santa Cruz Gives, Mass Vaccinations, and Disaster Response.

  • VOLUNTEER for GOOD through volunteer match programs, pairing volunteers with agency partners and local nonprofits.  And, we partner with local businesses that want to invest their resources in building a more connected community.